Sunday, January 9, 2011

Love or Lust

This morning I actually asked myself the question, what is it that I really want?
I keep saying I want a committed long term relationship yet the guys I am attracted to are aged between 18-30 and I am 44 (its rare my age gets placed at over 30 though!). So once again, what is it that I'm really looking for?
I'd hate to think I was going through some sort of early mid life crises and was just fulfilling a self esteem/confidence need as i am happy with myself and in all honestly I don't even need to try with these young guys as well. 

The age of the Cougar means I only need to look sideways at a young guy and they are instantly hooked, and I'm not complaining but i wonder am I just lapping it up in case like everything, older women, younger men becomes a fad of the past?
I have met some fabulous guys who are the "right" age for me but that attraction is just not there in the physical sense although they have become some of my closest friends.
So am I one of these women who is destined to remain single, have great older male friends and young guys for lovers...
I guess I will persevere with the dating sites and social networking etc to try to find a "suitable" aged person for a relationship but in the meantime I can continue to keep my roving eye on all those young hot cubs that love the cougar :-)


  1. LOL Lindy, it's as if I could hear you talk! Always a pleasure!
    BUT... didn't you ALWAYS liked them young? ;-d

  2. lol..yes I guess I have always liked them young but sometimes it's been quite extreme!!
